What is CMC (CoinMarketCap)?
CMC (CoinMarketCap) is a site where you can check the ranking, trading volume, trading price, etc. of more than 1000 types of cryptocurrencies.
Looking at this CMC, people around the world who are doing cryptocurrencies, such as ranking cryptocurrencies and searching for new stocks to invest, are checking.
There are many other cryptocurrency ranking sites besides CMC, but the most famous and cryptocurrency investor around the world is checking CMC.
Because the CMC did not properly reflect the circulating supply of ADK, it was not listed in a legitimate ranking.
For a long time, CMC did not reflect the circulating supply of ADK, so it remained low-profile.
Why ADK was not listed on CMC
ADK is only traded on its own exchange
At first, ADK was only listed on its own exchange, AidosMarket, and was not listed elsewhere.
The CMC suspected that ADK could only be traded on its own exchange.
I can understand it. .
but! !
ADK has since been listed on several exchanges.
Submit Rich List
ADK has been listed on several exchanges, but it was not reflected because of the low circulating supply.
And CMC asked ADK to submit a rich list.
The ADK then submitted a rich list.
In the first place, CMC does not ask Monero for a rich list, but it is firmly reflected in the rankings.
After submitting the rich list, CMC responded as follows:
CMC calculates its circulating supply based on its own evaluation criteria. ADK has few exchanges and lacks liquidity. There is no active team development or communication.
December 17, 2019 ADK circulating supply finally reflected normally
Happy to announce our Circulation issue on CMC has been solved. We can now work our way back to the top where we belong. ADK is now more then 2 years old and keeping strong on every step of our Road Map but we have just started.
— ADK (@Aidos_kuneen) December 16, 2019
Improve awareness by listing on CMC
Until now, most of ADK holders were Korean and Japanese
Some say ADK is a scam because it is not listed on the CMC.
It is common to think that the rankings listed there are correct. Scam just because there is no ADK on CMC! You can also understand that it is determined.
However, the ADK was finally posted on the CMC with the correct ranking! It is easy to imagine that this will lead to higher credit and awareness.
ADK ranking at CMC
ADK ranking at the current CMC. Until now, the rank part was “2000” …
But now, the proper rank is displayed ♪
By the way, the ranking as of December 17, 2019 was “116th place”. What is the ranking of the ADK you are looking at right now? (* ≧ ▽ ≦)
Search results on Google Trends
This is the result of a search on Google Trends for the keyword “Aidos Kuneen” on December 17, 2019.
Even if you look at the world, you can see that it is hardly searched.