ADK news

ADK plans to own a stock exchange! ? By the way, HitBTC was finally listed in 1 year


This article translated what I wrote in japanese into English. Although it may be unclear by the expression of English, if you read this article you can grasp the image of ADK(Aidos Kuneen)

Hello, this is neokichi.

There was a lot of news in the telegram yesterday on October 9th.
I will introduce it.


Plan to purchase a new bus

Plan to purchase a new bus

The bus that I am using now will be used for the youth team, and I will buy a new bus when the KPL of this season is over. This is a great pleasure for the youth team.

Current situation of ADK

The ADK ETF is officially announced by NSE and will be listed on another stock exchange.
  • The ADK ETF is officially announced by NSE and will be listed on another stock exchange.
  • Online banking = auditing
  • Bank integration for bank rebranding
  • Uganda Bank Name Announcement
  • EU Bank = not progressing now because Africa and Dubai are busy
  • There are other surprises

↓↓ The big news is here ↓↓

ADK plans to own a stock exchange! ?

Become a stock exchange shareholder and become a member of the Board of Directors

Don will become a stock exchange shareholder and become a member of the board of directors! It seems that the application process has been completed and is still under negotiation, but if it goes smoothly, ADK will own the stock exchange.

This is only a prediction, but because Don stayed in Dar es Salaam, there is a possibility of the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE).

4 cross listings

4 cross listings

It seems that the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) in Tanzania and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in South Africa are cross-listed.

Kenya’s Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE) will also be cross-listing, so there will be a total of four!

Stock exchanges other than NSE will soon announce ADK ETF

Stock exchanges other than NSE will soon announce ADK ETF

The stock exchange that lists ADK ETF in addition to NSE seems to be ready for announcement!

ADK is listed on HitBTC

It was September 19, 2018 that HitBTC tweeted about listing ADK, so it took about a year.

I hope this will increase the name recognition to some extent or make it appear in the CMC.


  • Will use the bus at Youth Academy and plan to purchase a new bus
  • Applying for acquisition of stock exchange
  • Rumors that Dar es Salaam (DSE) and Johannesburg (JSE) are cross-listing. Nairobi (NSE) and London (LSE) will also be cross-listed.
  • Ready to announce ADK ETF listing on stock exchanges other than NSE
  • ADK listed on HitBTC

I was surprised that ADK was moving towards the acquisition of the stock exchange. I’m looking forward to the next news!

If you would like to know more about ADK, Come and Join us on Telegram!